Dialog Box

Helping Maureen Paisley

Helping Maureen Paisley

raised of
$25,000 goal
Thanks to
89 supporters
We would like you to meet our beautiful mum and energetic grandmother, Maureen.  She is the rock of our family, the joy of our present and the promise of our future. She has always guided, supported and loved us unconditionally.

 Maureen with daughters Regina and Erin and grandchildren Charlotte and Isaac

It is now our turn to support her!

 Maureen (fondly known as Mauzy by her family and friends) has battled Lynch Syndrome (also known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome) throughout her life which comprises of bowel tumours and melanomas on the skin. She has always faced the surgeries and procedures for the removal of these tumours with stalwart confidence and positivity, not allowing anything to rob her of her optimistic outlook and faith. Despite these setbacks, Mauzy has continually contributed to the community by volunteering, providing meals and supporting people wherever she has perceived a need.

 Maureen with grandchildren Charlotte, Isaac and Jack

In July 2023, she was diagnosed with a cancer, called Pleomorphic Sarcoma, inside her heart, which is an extremely rare place for it to grow. This tumour was removed via open heart surgery followed by radiation treatment. 

 Unfortunately, scans are showing that this sarcoma is already growing back. The medical team have advised that chemotherapy is not an option for Maureen but suggested immunotherapy treatment which is quite expensive and is not covered by PBS. We are continuing to exhaust all avenues with drug companies and trials but so far we have been unable to secure funding.

 Maureen with daughters Regina and Erin and grandchildren Charlotte and Isaac

Maureen has been extremely reluctant to ask for assistance, and much prefers to be on the giving end of a call for help. However, we are keen for her to receive this opportunity for life-saving treatment and we know that she has many loving and willing family members & friends who wish to help physically but are unable to do so. 

Maureen with sister Judy and grandchildren Charlotte, Isaac and Jack

We feel our angel Maureen deserves this chance. Any financial help you can provide will be greatly appreciated and of course Maureen is the first to understand that times are tough and money is tight so if you are unable to donate we appreciate your thoughts and best wishes on our journey!

Maureen with daughter Cara

Thank you for taking the time to read her story.

 Erin, Regina & Cara. (Daughters)

Charlotte, Isaac & Jack (Grandchildren)

Thanks to our supporters
